Hi there,
I made my current CV with OpenOffice Writer. I dropped some colors and Lines in the background, positioned my photo absolutely and made the content with a table. I gave some table cells a colored border-bottom to divide sections like previous jobs, education...
Each time I add new Information in one section the design breaks in some kind (page break for just two rows...) and I have to fiddle around in order to make it look okay.
Now I want to make a new application letter and a new cv, especially the cv should be more modern which means modern design, maybe some elegant business like graphics, charts and icons. I have no experience in graphic tools like Adobe Illustrator. But I know HTML and CSS. Using things like grid, breakpoints, responsive design.. makes it easy for me to always have a consistent design, with consistent sizes, spacing...
I would love to use my skills in HTML and CSS for making such documents. How can I do that?
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