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Career advice, stay or leave?

Hi,I need to vent my frustration and hopefully get some feedback.

I work as a Front End/ Full Stack developer in a company I joined half a year ago as a mid level dev.Long story short, I have been told by managers, fellow collegues and my boss that my job is outstanding.

First 3 weeks into my job, my manager told me they want to make me a senior and get that salary raise.For the next 5 months or so I said nothing, I just kept doing my job, but work coming my way became more complicated and with shorter deadlines, I also started helping Junior dev's more and brining them up to speed with our projects.

So in my 1:1 a week ago I explained that my responsibilites have changed dtrastically and asked what other steps do I need to take to get a salary increase? Now, I understand I've been 6 moths there and asking for a salary raise is not a good idea but my work is very different from when I satrted and I think I deserve my promotion so it can actually match the work I am doing.

To cut the story short they said Ineed complete a PDP plan then I will get that promotion.I finished the PDP plan, then they said a person needs to be at least a year in the company to get a raise.They made me a lead on a small project which I think it is a very good thing but I am very frustrated on how things worked out.

I am not happy.I feel very frsutrated and lied to so I can just deliver.

I started looking elsewhere, but the recruiters I have worked with want to sell me jobs which are almost not relevant to me. Had 3 interviews but they all where back end, which I don't want to do.

What advice would you give me in this situation?I want to leave asap but cant do it without having another job in line...I am just not happy and it affects my mood and everything.

My plan of action is to start looking for jobs without recruiters but not sure how long this will take.

If anyone can give an advice, I will be very grateful.


submitted by /u/kazabodoo
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Career advice, stay or leave? Career advice, stay or leave? Reviewed by Duos on October 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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